Here at REID, we strongly recommend that all users read the product specific Assembly & Operations Guide carefully prior to the initial use and operation of the system.
These operating instructions contain important information about how to handle and use our systems in a safe, correct and efficient way. Acting in accordance with these instructions helps to avoid dangers, reduce repair costs, down-time and to increase the reliability and lifetime of our aluminium gantry and davit systems.
Please note, it is the responsibility of the end users to adhere to the Health & Safety and Accident Prevention acts, regulations and standards that are valid in the respective countries and areas in which the system is used. It is incumbent on the user or instigator of work with the equipment that all users have suitable medical and physical capabilities.
Likewise, the competent person should ensure there is a rescue plan in place in the event of an emergency that could occur during the work. This document should form an element of the overriding Risk Assessment and Method Statement required for each lift.
We have supporting step-by-step Assembly Videos that clearly demonstrate how to safely assemble our; Porta Gantry, Porta Gantry Rapide, Porta Davit Quantum and T Davit systems. Visit our Youtube channel or click here.
If you cannot find the language you require please contact us or email
GANTRY Assembly Aid
REID Test Davit